Analysis of the relationship between Argentine short-finned squid (Illex argentinus) abundance and environmental parameters in the SW Atlantic Ocean using GIS tools


The Argentine short-finned squid Illex argentinus is the main cephalopod species which occurs in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. It is the most highly fished species in terms of catches and is the major target of large-scale directed fishing carried out by “jiggers”, and to a lesser extent, by trawlers. The variability of main current systems in the region (Brazil and Falkland/Malvinas Currents) has been suggested to influence the abundance and distribution of I. argentinus, thus largely affecting profitability and sustainability of the fisheries. In this working document we analyse the environmental, geographical, temporal and physical factors affecting the distribution (abundance) of I. argentinus in two areas of highest distribution, using geographic information systems tools. Strong correlation was found between Illex abundance and the season of the year, as well as with latitude, confirming our knowledge of the fishery and the literature on this specie

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