Campañas de marcado de atún rojo juvenil (Thunnus thynnus) juvenil coordinadas por el IEO, previstas en el Programa ICCAT-GBYP y realizadas en el Estrecho de Gibraltar durante Noviembre de 2011 y enero de 2012


This paper presents the results of conventional tagging surveys on juvenile bluefin tuna conducted in the Strait of Gibraltar during different periods of 2011 and 2012 with two vessels from the port of Algeciras that usually fish using pole and bait in that area. The campaigns were carried out within the framework of the Enhanced Research Program for Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) (GBYP). In 36 days of activity, a total of 1389 bluefin tuna were tagged, weighing an average of approximately 15 kg, ranging between 7 and 40 kg. In 46% of the specimens, two different tags were placed, and the forecasts established in the Tagging Plan within the ICCAT-GBYP were achieved.GBYP-ICCATPostprin

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