Métiers of the Northern Spanish coastal fleet using fixed gears


Logbooks from the set longline and set gillnet fleets operating in ICES Divisions VIIIc and IXa North during the 2003-2005 period were analysed in order to identify métiers with specific catch profiles. The CLARA method, a non-hierarchical cluster analysis, was used to classify the fishing trips. From the resulting clusters in set longline fleet, only 4 métiers were found to be consistent enough through the time series: 1) targeting conger, 2) targeting hake, 3) targeting pollack, and 4) targeting seabass. Regarding the set gillnet fleet, 2 significant métiers were found: 1) targeting hake and 2) targeting monkfishProject “Identification and segmentation of mixedspecies fisheries operating in the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula waters” (DG FISH/2004/03-33-IBERMIX

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