1. Purpose
To supply an useful learning tool aimed to interactively display on mobile devices normal anatomy
and variants of the nose and paranasal sinuses as seen on CBCT images.
2. Methods and Materials
Images of the nose and paranasal sinuses were derived by a study series acquired by a CBCT device.
CBCT studies of the paranasal sinuses were acquired in patients referred for nasal obstruction or
sinusitis with the following parameters: 90 kVp, 12.5 mA, 20 s rotation time, FOV 13 x 14.5 cm, 0.25 x
0.25 x 0.25 mm voxel size.
The application has been developed for iOS based mobile devices through the platform XCode
provided by Apple®, and it is developed using the Objective-C programming language. The
application has been configured as Master-Detail. This configuration splits the mobile device display in
two panels. The left panel displays a list of the interesting items, while the right panel shows the
relative details. Touching an item from the menu on the left panel, the textual description is shown on
the same side, while the panel on the right will show the relative image. The application allows interactively navigation through normal anatomy and variants of the nose and
paranasal sinuses, as represented on CBCT images in axial, sagittal and coronal planes. Cross-reference
images to localize the same anatomic structures on different section planes are available. The
navigation is intuitive, with multiple shortcuts. Different labels have been proposed in accordance
with the specific anatomic lessic of the district and current literature references. High image quality
with a zooming tool are available. 4. Conclusion
An App for IOs devices was developed, that can represent an useful educational tool for medical
students, residents and continuous medical education in radiology and other medical specialties
dealing with nose and paranasal sinuses. This interactive atlas based on CBCT images could be also an
useful option to be implemented on CBCT software