
Correlation between IgA tissue transglutaminase antibody ratio and histological finding in celiac disease.


OBJECTIVES: Positivity of both immunoglobulin A anti-tissue transglutaminase (TTG) and anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA) has a positive predictive value of nearly 100% for celiac disease (CD). The objective of the present study was to evaluate whether patients of any age, with high pretest probability of CD and high titre of anti-TTG and EMA positivity, have a high probability of intestinal damage and may not require the biopsy for final diagnosis. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 412 consecutively referred patients, age range 10 months to 72 years, who underwent small-bowel biopsy for suspicion of CD and positivity to both anti-TTG and EMA, was performed at 4 Italian centers. Biopsies were evaluated independently by 2 pathologists using Marsh modified classification; in cases of dissimilar results, a third pathologist examined the biopsy. The final histological finding diagnosis was expressed as the prevalent or highest score assigned by the pathologist board. RESULTS: Three hundred ninety-six patients (96.1%) had histological findings consistent with CD (grade 2 and 3a, 3b, or 3c of modified Marsh classification). An anti-TTG ratio ≥ 7 was able to identify with the 3 assays used (Celikey, anti-TTG immunoglobulin A, EuTTG) all of the patients with significant mucosal damage (Marsh ≥ 2) independent of age and sex; specificity and positive predictive value were 100%. An anti-TTG ratio >20 was more specific (99.8%) for identification of patients with villous atrophy (Marsh 3 a, b, or c). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with positivity of anti-TTG ≥ 7-fold cutoff, confirmed by positivity to EMA, have a high-degree probability of duodenal damage. In selected conditions, a duodenal biopsy may be avoided and a confirmed greatly positive anti-TTG result could be the basis to prescribe a gluten-free diet

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