The evolution of information and comunication technologies in organizations: some considerations for the sector in Argentina


Since the advent of computers until now, organizations have used the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in many and varied forms. The focus of this work and therefore, its methodology and conclusions, argue that it is possible to identify different stages or steps facing organizations that decide the inclusion of ICTs. If one can know in which stage the company is, it will be useful to know whether or not it should go to the next, or the stage at which it is optimal, given their constraints. In this paper we develop three different models that explain how organizations deploy ICTs, talking about different stages or parts in this process. There is not an ideal approach, since the same application can be solved in different ways, in different organizations, or at different times in the life of organizations. Quadro, Martín Ernesto. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Werbin, Eliana Mariela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Otras Economía y Negocio

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