
The Antidumping Negotiations: Proposals, Positions and Antidumping Profiles


Negotiations over the rules governing the use of antidumping (AD) duties are occurring in both the World Trade Organization and the Free Trade Area of the Americas. Unfortunately, the goal of the negotiations is unclear, as some governments want to restrict the use of antidumping while others seek to maintain the ability of national governments to use antidumping measures. We hypothesize that members who desire to preserve the use of antidumping are active in initiating suits. To explore this hypothesis, we examine the positions taken by major actors in the negotiations, and their antidumping profiles. An antidumping profile includes data on a member's AD actions, including investigations and measures the member initiates, as well as investigations and measures against the member's exports.antidumping, FTAA negotiations, WTO negotiations, International Relations/Trade,

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