
PLC Implementation of Supervisory Control for a Dynamic Power Flow Controller using a Modular Approach


Dynamic Power Flow Controller (DPFC) provides steady-state and dynamic power flow control for power lines and is considered as a Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controller. This paper deals with control of a standard DPFC using a Discrete Event System model. The Supervisory Control of DES has been used to implement Modular supervisors for the DPFC. Despite the fact that the SCT is well consolidated, with a large number of publications focusing on the theoretical aspects, the industrial application is unknown. It is mainly due to the complexity of the theory. The numbers of states and events to be controlled are very large even for the seemingly simple systems. In recent years, a model for modular approach to the Supervisory Control for performing the formal synthesis of Supervisors has been proposed. Programmable Logic Controllers are used for the physical implementation of the controllers. Some problems in physical realization of Supervisors in PLCs are dealt with

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