
The Role of Labour Market Information for Adjustment: International Comparisons


Labour Market Information (LMI) is a policy instrument that governments use to coordinate labour market adjustments. Many approaches are utilized in the provision of this information in OECD countries. This report examines approaches in five OECD countries (Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States and Australia) in order to assess their efficiency in facilitating adjustments in labour markets. This report finds that although Canada has well developed labour market information mechanisms, further efforts should be made by the Canadian government to improve our labour market information delivery system. In particular, attempts should be made to simplify information content, improve users’ awareness, and tailor information to the needs of users, in order to ensure that our extensive information system facilitates labour market adjustments.Labour Market Information (LMI), Labour market adjustments, Delivery information, Users' awareness, International comparisons, Job search.

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