
Neolithic deposit of flint cores in Zagórzyce, Kazimierza Wielka district


The purpose of this paper is presentation of flint materials from the pit number 92 discovered at multicultural site 1 in Zagórzyce. During the exploration a group of five flint cores were revealed, whose layout indicates an intentional deposit. They were accompanied by few ceramic fragments and several animal bones. In spite of the fact the flint artifacts represented different stages of exploitation, they have a relatively high potential and, after the necessary remedial treatments, could still have been exploited. It seems that the group of cores can be interpreted as a deposit of a utilitarian character. Three of these were formed on the nodule of chocolate flint, the rest were made of Jurassic flint. The size of the obtained blades and the technique of core processing speak for the feature's affiliation to the Lublin- Volhynian culture. Currently, considering only the partial examination of the site 1 in Zagórzyce, making a statement as to whether the presence of the L-VC in the discussed site was only a single episode or had more stable character is sadly not feasible. The reason of separated publication of this deposit is justified since discovery of this assemblage of cores contributes greatly to the picture of flint knapping in the the L – VC

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