
An Economic Evaluation of Investment on Aonla (Emblica officinalis G.) in Gujarat


The economic viability of aonla plantation in Gujarat has been studied through a sample of 120 aonla growers spread over 12 selected villages of the Kheda and Anand districts for the agricultural year 2003-04. It has been found that establishment of aonla orchard involves high investment, but the annual net returns are also quite high, after the third year of plantation. The values of economic parameters, viz. NPV, BCR, IRR and PBP have been found to be Rs 652652, 5.25, 65.03 per cent and 55 months, respectively at 10 per cent discount rate. Under varying cost and return situations, values of all these feasibility parameters have satisfied the acceptance rules for the investment proposition. It has confirmed the economic viability, stability and certainty of investment on aonla orchard. The study has suggested that financial institutions should give credit to aonla producers in the area.Crop Production/Industries,

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