The Analysis of the health checkup data of freshmen from Taiwanese university


[[abstract]]背景:由於一般大眾大都認為年輕人較為健康,屬患有慢性疾病機率較低的族群,因此有關台灣年輕人健康狀態評估的資料頗為缺乏。目前社區中,心血管及腦血管病例已有逐年增多的趨勢;此現況可能與早期生活型態有關。因此醫學界的專業人員甚為憂心,因為不適當的健康篩檢,應有很多的年輕族群未及時發現患有慢性疾病並執行早期衛教及疾病防治的工作。有鑑於此,今特研究分析台灣北部某綜合大學大學部新生入學健康檢查資料,藉以瞭解此族群健康狀態並將結果應用於年輕族群衛生保健、疾病防治策略及政策等之訂定,以增強台灣年輕人的健康狀態。方法:我們利用描述性橫斷式分析法收集北區某大學八十九及九十年度大學部新生入學體檢資料,共有7,706人(包括3,316男性),平均年齡為19.88±1.51歲。體檢資料以SAS 8.01版程式進行統計分析並以卡方檢定及t-檢定來比較變項間之差異。B型肝炎帶原盛行率及心血管病有關危險因子的探討包含在此研究。結果:研究結果顯示,平均身體質量指數(BMI)為21.36±3.37kg/m2(男生為22.42±3.54kg/m2,女生為20.55±2.99kg/m2,P<0.001)。若依世界衛生組織亞太體位判斷標準分析,肥胖者佔12.4%,體重過重者佔12.7%。血壓偏高者佔13%。高總膽固醇血症者佔5.6%,邊緣性高總膽固醇血症者佔24.9%。貧血者約佔6.33%。肝功能指數異常者約為6.4%。在B型肝炎檢查部份,B肝帶原率約為7.5%。糖尿者佔0.6%。蛋白尿者佔4.4%。尿潛血者佔5.7%。高尿酸血症者佔41.71%。男性比女性更易有血壓偏高、B型表面抗原呈陽性、肝功能指數異常、高尿酸血症;在高總膽固醇血症及尿潛血方面,女性則比男性為多,且兩性間比較均具有統計意義(P<0.001)。然而在貧血、糖尿及蛋白尿等檢查結果,其兩性之間比較則無顯著差異。結論:許多台灣年輕學生,尤其是男性較易有心血管及腦血管疾病危險因子的傾向。如欲減低心血管及腦血管疾病的長期危險性,應適當引導如健康的教育知識及生活型態的改變。另外,從研究結果顯示,雖B型肝炎帶原率已逐漸下降,但B型肝炎病毒傳播的預防及帶原者追蹤檢查仍是台灣公共衛生的重要議題之一。[[abstract]]Background: There appears to be a relative paucity of data pertaining to the health status of young Taiwanese adults. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the health checkup of freshmen at a university in Taiwan and to draw an implication from the results for developing a disease-preventive strategy in order to promote their health status. Methods: A total of 7,706 subjects (3,316 men), featuring a mean age of 19.88±1.51 years were included in this study. Chi-square test and Student's t-test were applied for data analysis. Results: The average BMI (Body Mass Index) of the freshmen studied was 21.36±3.37kg/m2, with 22.42±3.54kg/m2 for males and 20.55±2.99kg/m2 for females. Of study subjects, 12.4% were classified as being obese and 12.7% as being overweight, and 13% were classified as exhibiting high blood pressure, with 5.6% and 24.9% of the freshmen, respectively, being classified as revealing hypercholesterolemia and borderline hypercholesterolemia. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia and borderline hypercholesterolemia amongst female students (6.0% and 26.4% respectively) was greater than it was for their male counterparts (5.0% and 22.9% respectively). Of the study subjects, 6.33% were anemic, and 13.4 % and 1.5% of male and female students, respectively, revealed high serum creatinine levels. An abnormal serum alanine aminotransferase level was also observed for 6.4% of the subjects (11.2% of males and 2.8% of females). From a hepatitis-B survey, 7.5% of the subjects were shown to be hepatitis-B carriers. Male students exhibited a higher hepatitis-B carrier rate than did female students. Of the study subjects, 0.6% and 4.4% exhibited positive results for sugar and protein in the urine upon routine examination, and further, 5.7% of subjects revealed a positive urine occult test which included 9.4% of women and 0.8% of men. A total of 41.71% (56.83% of males and 30.3%of females) of the freshmen revealed hyperuricemia. Conclusion: Our university freshmen, particularly male subjects, are prone to the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, and cerebral vascular accident. Appropriate intervention as regards health education and life-style modification appears to be warranted in this population

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