[[alternative]]The Research of Child Social Behavior Deveolpment in Southeastern Asia New Immigrant Family


[[abstract]]本研究之主要目的,乃在探討東南亞新移民家庭之背景及其子女在幼稚園中社會行為發展現况,以及與本國子女差異之情形。 本研究以台中市公私立幼稚園5歲以上幼兒為對象,採分層叢集随機方式取樣,分别抽取母親為本國籍之幼兒170人,與柬南亚新移民幼兒170人,共計340人作為本研究之對象,回收287份,回收率約八四成,排除母親為大陸籍,未满五歲以及作答不完全者,有效樣本計232名。本研究經描述性與推論性統計分析有以下研究發現: 一、台中市東南亞新移民幼兒之父母雙方年齡差異頗大,母親最小者為23歲,最大為46歲;而父親年齡最小者為22歲,最大為67歲;新移民父親平均年齡為43.26,母親為31.86,父母雙方年齡之平均差異約為12歲。 二、新移民母親的教育程度普遍低於父親,父親教育程度以國中(34.7%)與高中(35.6%)居多,大專以上者佔17.8%;而母親的教育程度,高中學歷者佔14%,大專以上者11%,一半以上的學歷在國中或國小(73%)。新移民父母親之教育程度均顯著低於本國籍父母親,二者相較頗大,其中尤以母親的差距较大。 三、根據研究顯示,與本國籍母親的幼兒相較,新移民幼兒之家庭經濟狀況較不佳,但在主要照顧者與家庭結構上,二者並無顯著之差異。 四、新移民幼兒之父母親教蓑養方式,大都屬於開明權威,約佔58%,其次為寬鬆放任,為28%,屬於專制權威者佔11%;此與本國父母親相較,本國父母親屬寬鬆放任與專制權威者顯著於新移民父母,但本國父母親之教養方式,屬開明權威者则遠较新移民多。 五、本研究顯示,新移民幼兒社會行為發展平均分數為113.74,母親本國籍幼兒则為130.03,二者遠顯著差異。 六、父親的教育程度與東南亞新移民幼兒社會行為發展有關,大專以上學歷父親幼兒之社會行為發展較國中以下學歷父親之幼兒来得好,而母親教育程度為大學者之幼兒,其社會行為之發展也較母親學歷僅國小之幼兒來得好。 七、父母親的教養方式是否與新移民幼兒社會行為發展有關,由研究得知無論是父親或母親,若其教養方式屬「開明權威」,則其幼兒之社會行為發展较教養方式為「寬鬆放任」者好。 八、在新移民幼兒之性别、主要照顧者、家庭經濟状况與家庭型態等,均與幼兒社會行為發展無顯著差異。[[abstract]]The purpose of this research is to discuss children's social behavior performance in preschool of the new immigrant family. This research adopts quantization research approach, uses social development investment to measure children's social behavior. The subjects, 170 preschool children in the new immigrant family and 170 in the Taiwan mother family selected by stratified random sampling in 41 public and private kindergartens in Taichung City. There were 232 valid assessments and questionnairs. The major findings are as follows: 1. The age discrepancy between parents of preschool children in new immigrant family is greatly, the average age differs by 12 years. 2. The education degree in children's parents from Taiwan mother is far higher than those from Southeast Asia new immigrant. 3. The score of the social behavior development is 113.74 in children of new immigrant family and 130.03 from Taiwan mother family. 4. The social behavior performance in children with Taiwan mothers get higher scores than those with Southeast Asian mothers. 5. The child social behavior performance and their parents' age, economical condition and family structure are not differeuced correlation in southeastern Asia new immigrant family. 6. The child social behavior performance in southeastern Asia new immigrant family is related to parenting style. 7. The mother's and father's education degree have correlation with the children's social behavior performance in southeastern Asia new immigrant family

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