enzyme-explicit denitrification model with representations for
pre- and <i>de novo</i> synthesized enzymes was developed
to improve predictions of nitrous oxide (N<sub>2</sub>O) accumulations
in soil and emissions from the surface. The metabolic model of denitrification
is based on dual-substrate utilization and Monod growth kinetics.
Enzyme synthesis/activation was incorporated into each sequential
reduction step of denitrification to regulate dynamics of the denitrifier
population and the active enzyme pool, which controlled the rate function.
Parameterizations were developed from observations of the dynamics
of N<sub>2</sub>O production and reduction in soil incubation experiments.
The model successfully reproduced the dynamics of N<sub>2</sub>O and
N<sub>2</sub> accumulation in the incubations and revealed an important
regulatory effect of denitrification enzyme kinetics on the accumulation
of denitrification products. Pre-synthesized denitrification enzymes
contributed 20, 13, 43, and 62% of N<sub>2</sub>O that accumulated
in 48 h incubations of soil collected from depths of 0–5, 5–10,
10–15, and 15–25 cm, respectively. An enzyme activity
function (<i>E</i>) was defined to estimate the relative
concentration of active enzymes and variation in response to environmental
conditions. The value of <i>E</i> allows for activities
of pre-synthesized denitrification enzymes to be differentiated from <i>de novo</i> synthesized enzymes. Incorporating explicit representations
of denitrification enzyme kinetics into biogeochemical models is a
promising approach for accurately simulating dynamics of the production
and reduction of N<sub>2</sub>O in soils