
Propagation des contraintes tables souples Etude pr eliminaire


National audienceWCSP is a framework that has attracted a lot of at- tention during the last decade. In particular, there have been many developments of ltering approaches based on the concept of soft local consistencies such as node consistency (NC), arc consistency (AC), full directio- nal arc consistency (FDAC), existential directional arc consistency (EDAC), virtual arc consistency (VAC) and optimal soft arc consistency (OSAC). Almost all algo- rithms related to these properties have been introduced for binary weighted constraint networks, and most of the conducted experiments typically include constraint networks involving only binary and ternary constraints. In this paper, we focus on extensional soft constraints of large arity. We propose an algorithm to lter such constraints and embed it in PFC-MRDAC.Durant ces dix derni ères ann ées, de nombreuses études ont ét és r éalis ées pour le cadre WCSP (Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem). En particulier, ont ét é propos ées de nombreuses techniques de filtrage bas ées sur le concept de coh érence locale souple telle que la co- h érence de n oeud, et surtout la coh érence d'arc souple. Toutefois, la plupart de ces algorithmes ont ét és intro- duits pour le cas des contraintes binaires, et la plupart des exp érimentations ont ét és men ées sur des r éseaux de contraintes comportant uniquement des contraintes binaires et/ou ternaires. Dans cet article, nous nous in- t eressons aux contraintes tables souples de grande arit é. Nous proposons un premier algorithme pour filtrer ces contraintes et nous l'int égrons a PFC-MRDAC

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