Potential indicator enzyme s at broccoli blanching tecnology


Blanching of vegetables before freezing has some advantages as well as a number of disadvantages. Process optimization involves measuring the rate of enzyme destruction, such that the blanching time is just long enough to destroy the indicator enzyme. Eventually, peroxidases were almost universally the enzymes of choice, as they are usually the most heat-stable enzymes found in vegetables and fruits, so by the time they are inactivated no other enzymes or micro-organisms remain. But there is no evidence that peroxidases are involved in deteriorative reactions in the food. The aim of this work was to improve blanching technology in Hungarian frozen food industry with special emphasis on broccoli treatment. Instead of peroxidases, lipoxygenases were chosen to determine the adequate blanching parameters. Usually, lipoxygenases accompany lipases, so lipase activity is measured, too. On the basis of model blanching experiments, the conclusion is that lipoxygenase could be used as indicator enzyme. Being less heat stable than peroxidase, this enzyme requires shorter heat treatment, hence its inactivation should result in minimum quality deterioration and economic loss

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