Transforming CCSL partially-ordered Traces into UML Interaction Diagrams


The need for verification and debugging of critical temporal constraints in embedded systems comes out at different stages of development. In the specification step, static and dynamic views of the system are established and simulations are performed. In the implementation step, code may be instrumented with the purpose of collecting traces as the system executes in a target platform. In the same fashion as system executions, simulations produce traces that are later on analyzed by means of textual scripts. Instead of intricate scripts, we believe that the use of visual artifacts such as UML interaction diagrams (i.e., sequence and timing diagrams) can ease the comprehension of system behavior. In this report, we propose partial orderings (which order the events reported in traces in a temporal and causal way) as a pivot to go toward interaction diagrams straightforwardly. Mappings between partial orderings and UML interaction diagrams are implemented as transformations. We illustrate our approach with a prototype and an example

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