
FVCF-NIP method for multi-material compressible fluid flows: some improvements in the computation of condensates evolution.


The purpose of this paper is to describe some improvements in the pure eulerian interface capturing method FVCF-NIP by J.-P. Braeunig, B. Desjardins & J.-M. Ghidaglia. In this method, the interface is sharp and piecewise linear. In a cell containing two materials, termed as mixed cell, each one is pure at both sides of the interface and no diffusion is allowed through it. A conservative scheme is written on each material volume using the condensate formalism which allows in particular sliding of materials on each others. However, material volumes in mixed cells can be tiny and therefore the condition on the time step can be too much restrictive. The conservative scheme is then written with a time step only calculated considering pure cells. In mixed cells, a control procedure is built to ensure a stable evolution in small materials volumes without taking into account the time step constraint

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