
Assessment of long term mining waste behavior by a dynamic leaching test : application to contrasted physico-chemical conditions


International audienceMining activity has generated large amounts of mining wastes abandoned on the site after extraction, concentration or metallurgic processes. In this study assessment of the long term behaviour of mining wastes has been performed by the realisation of a dynamic leaching test performed with a Soxhlet device on mining wastes from two contrasted sites : Bentaillou and Saint-Salvy from south-west France. Sphalerite and galena are the source of heavy metals, (Zn, Cd and Pb) in both sites. Pyrite and pyrrothite are the main potential acid source in Saint-Salvy and Bentaillou respectively. Although both wastes display high contents of carbonate minerals associated to the metal bearing phases, their composition is different, calcite for Bentaillou and siderite for Saint-Salvy allowing different minerals transformations and drainage mining water compositions. Due to different impoundment type, dumps for Bentaillou and a dam for Saint-Salvy, oxidation reactions are favoured in the former compared to the latter. Waste drainage waters generated in situ display lower pH, Eh and higher Fe and heavy metals in drainage waters from Saint-Salvy compared to those from Bentaillou. The leaching experiments lasted 62 days and 84 days for Bentaillou sample and Saint-Salvy sample respectively corresponding to an equivalent time of 288 and 183 years respectively calculated from pluviometry in situ. During the experiment, the amounts of elements released was higher for Saint-Salvy sample ( 0.2 % of Zn, and Pb and 1,4 % of Cd) than for the Bentaillou one ( 9.7 % of Zn, and 0.15 % of Pb and 46 % of Cd). The comparison of experimental leaching results with site data on waste drainage waters demonstrated the validity of laboratory results under oxidic conditions at Bentaillou while the duration experimentally estimated for total sulphide oxidation overestimates the time calculated from the sulfate flow in field drainage waters under reducing conditions at Saint-Salv

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