
Comparison of a systemic modelling of farm vulnerability and classical methods to appraise flood damage on agricultural activities


International audienceIn Europe, economic appraisals of flood management projects, generally Cost-Benefit Analysis, become a commonly used decision tool. At the same time, new flood management policies that may have strong impacts on farms, are promoted, i.e. floodplain restoration and vulnerability mitigation. Since damage must be estimated to estimate the benefits in a CBA, flood damage estimation on agricultural areas becomes an issue to tackle. In this paper, firstly, a review of existing methods to appraise flood damage on agricultural areas shows the gap between qualitative approaches that underline the complexity of flood damage on farm and the simplification made in flood damage appraisal methods. It confirms that the majority only take into account crop loss, simplification that may be irrelevant to appraise new policies. Moreover, modelling assumptions are often implicit and hardly questionable. Secondly, EVA model which has been designed to estimate and monetize damage categories, that were not taken into account before, is presented and assumptions modelling have been described as explicitly as possible. Third, a test bench of EVA model on a farm type is proposed to simulate damage distribution and when possible, to compare the results with existing methods. More than the figures, the interesting part of our work is to point and try to explain differences. Finally, the outlooks concerning the use of the model at a larger scale are discussed. The main contribution is to open the black boxes that are usually used to appraise flood damage in order to make modelling assumptions more explicit and questionable by experts and decision-makers

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