
Protocols for field and laboratory rodent studies

Abstract book"Protocols for field and laboratory rodent studies" present the best practices for the studies of rodents and rodent-borne pathogens and parasites from the field to the laboratory. It aims at covering the different steps of rodent studies: 1) Trapping, 2) Dissection and preparation of tissue samples for pathogens screening, 3) Identification of species, 4) Isolation of helminths, 5) Preparing rodent specimens for collections. This book gathers accurate recommendations and techniques, based on those generally accepted in the literature and adapted from the experience of the different authors during rodent surveys and laboratory work. Its presentation is designed to work in the fields with a clear and colorful organization of each chapter, with: inserts providing definitions and recommendations, protocols detailed step by step, and an emphasis on illustrations with several photographs. This book is a publication generated by the CERoPath project (Community Ecology of Rodents and their Pathogens in a changing environment, funded by the French Ministry of Research from 2008 to 2011

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