
What causes terrorism?


Popular beliefs link terrorism to economic, political and social under- development. In this contribution, we comprehensively review the related, most relevant cross-country analyses to ascertain the true determinants of terrorism. The related theoretical underpinnings are presented and com- mon analytical and methodological objections are discussed. In general, we nd that terrorism is closely linked to political instability, sharp divides within the populace, country size and further demographic, institutional and international factors. Sound counter-terrorism policies should work on these prominent root causes of terrorism. Evidence is only marginal that economic performance, structural economic conditions, democrati- zation, education or religious aliation signicantly interact with terror- ism. Thus, we are skeptical towards popular policy advice that focuses on poverty alleviation, a promotion of economic development, democratiza- tion, education or the like.Determinants of Terrorism, Political Violence, Counter-Terrorism Policies

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