
Esti Kornél és a beégés. Megjegyzések a műfajiság pragmatikai vonatkozásaihoz


This paper, in which "text type" and "genre" are taken to be essentially synonymous, endorses the perspective of functional cognitive pragmatics with respect to genre. It does not only wish to point out that considerations and notions of functional cognitive pragmatics can be successfully made use of in the study of text typology. Reflecting on Bakhtin’s (1988) conception of speech genres, it also wants to emphasise that "genre" might be an essential notion for pragmatic research, too. The paper interprets genres (text types) in terms of construal aiming at adaptively satisfying communicative needs, and based on the mutual relationship of schema/type and instantiation, as discursive categories on the one hand, and as discursive schemas, on the other. The adequacy of the interpretation is argued for with the help of two case studies: one concerns the genre-related specifics of "Kornél Esti" by Kosztolányi, while the other discusses those of narratives taken from the internet topic called "The story of my embarrassment"

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