
Why it Pays to Conceal - On the Optimal Timing of Acquiring Verifiable Information


We consider optimal contracts when a principal has two sources to detect bad projects. The first one is an information technology without agency costs (%IT_{P}), whereas the second one is the expertise of an agent subject to moral hazard, adverse selection and limited liability (ITAIT_A). First, we show that the principal does not necessarily benefit from access to additional information and thereby may prefer to ignore it. Second, we discuss different timings of information release, i.e. a \emph{disclosure} contract offered to the agent after the principal announced the result of % IT_{P}, and a \emph{concealment} contract where the agent exerts effort before ITPIT_{P} is checked. We find that oncealment is superior whenever the quality of ITPIT_{P} is sufficiently low. Then, ITPIT_{P} is almostworthless under a disclosure contract, while it can still be exploited to reduce the agent''s information rent under concealment. If the quality of % IT_{P} improves, disclosure can be superior as it allows to adjust the agent''s effort to the up-dated expected quality of the project. However, even for a highly informative ITPIT_{P}, concealment can be superior as itmitigates the adverse selection problem. Finally, we prove that the principal always benefits from checking ITPIT_P \textit{if} he chooses the optimal timing of information release. In particular, he may benefit only if he does not check ITPIT_P until the agent reported his information;

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