
Gesamtwirtschaftlicher Stellenwert der Humankapitalproduktion im Hochschulbereich in Westdeutschland


Producing human capital universities contribute to the preservation and accumulation of an economy's stock of human capital on a large scale. Based on this an evaluation of the extent and the development of the university-related stock of human capital in West Germany is investigated for the period from 1975 through 1995. For the year 1995 the university-related share in the total stock of human capital came up to 22.4 percent, thereby using the cost of preservation and exten-sion of the respective stock of human capital as the major determinant (inputoriented approach). Using the income resulting from the usage of human capital in the production, the university-related share of the year 1995 is 21.9 percent (outputoriented approach). From 1975 to 1995 the variation in the university-related stock of human capital turned out to be more than proportionate in the university sector compared to other educational institutions.

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