
APOM-project : a study of pharmacy practice


In 1994, a Ph.D-study started regarding pharmacy, organization and management (APOM) in the Netherlands. The APOM-project deals with the structuring and steering of pharmacy organization. This article describes the summary of the empirical results of a survey in a relatively large sample (n=169). Generalization to the population of pharmacies in the Netherlands was made. The results for thought, the perceived importance of activities, comprised a total number of seven clusters of priorities of pharmacy mixes. Most pharmacy managers perceived the product (pharmaceutical) activities and the customer activities as the most important. The results for action, the actual performance of activities, comprised a total number of five clusters of activities of pharmacy mixes. Most pharmacy managers performed the product activities and the process (financial-economic) activities most frequently. The results showed that the traditional conception of the work in the community pharmacy is still vividly present.

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