
ナンキョク ショウワキチ タテモノ ノ モクシツヘキ パネル ワクザイ ノ ザンゾン キョウド チョウサ


南極昭和基地で現在使用されている建物の木質壁パネル枠材の残存強度をビスの引抜き試験によって調査した.強度の基準値(初期値)は,昭和基地で調査した枠材とほぼ同じ気乾密度の新材について強度と気乾密度の関係を求めた実験報告(平居ら,南極資料,46,481,2002)を参照して推定した.残存強度は建物建設後の経過年数に伴って徐々に低下している.また,外壁が直面する方角による残存強度の違いはほとんど見られなかった.更に,今回の調査で用いたビスの引抜き試験から枠材の強度特性を推定した.その結果,構造部材の劣化速度は緩やかであり,現在昭和基地で使用されている建物は設計で要求される構造性能をまだ十分に保持していることが確かめられた.The remaining strength of frame material in wooden wall panels of buildings being used now at Syowa Station in Antarctica was measured by wood screw pulling out tests. An initial value of pulling strength of wood screws was assumed referring to the test report by Hirai et al. (Nankyoku Shiryo, 46, 481, 2002). In that report, the relation between the strength of new wood and air-dried density of the material was presented. The air-dried density is almost the same as what in the frame material measured at Syowa Station. The strength has decreased gradually with the years after the construction of buildings. The remaining strength was roughly independent of facing direction of outside wall panels of buildings. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the frame material were assumed from the result of the wood screw pulling out test. Since the deterioration speed of structural properties has been very gradual, the wooden wall panels of buildings used now at Syowa Station are confirmed to maintain the structural performance required by the structural design

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