
First results of meteor radar lower thermosphere wind measurements at Dixon, Arctic (73.5゜N, 80゜E)


Results of simultaneous wind measurements by the identical meteor radars at Dixon (73.5°N, 80°E) and Obninsk (55°N, 37°E) are presented for the time interval from November 12, 1999 to July 31, 2000. A number of features were observed which require comprehensive investigation on the basis of long-term wind measurements in the high-latitude lower thermosphere. The observed semidiurnal tide phases at Dixon are close to those published for Troms0, providing some evidence for predominance of the migrating semidiurnal tide for semidiurnal oscillations at this latitude. Highly coherent oscillations in tidal amplitudes and prevailing winds were also revealed, as well as time intervals with non-significant semidiurnal tide during which oscillations with periods different from but close to 12 h were observed

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