The results of this paper concern exact controllability to the trajectories for a coupled system of semilinear heat equations. We have transmission conditions on the interface and Dirichlet boundary conditions at the external part of the boundary so that the system can be viewed as a single
equation with discontinuous coefficients in the principal part. Exact controllability to the trajectories is proved when we consider distributed controls supported in the part of the domain where the diffusion coefficient is the smaller and if the nonlinear term f(y) grows slower than |y| log3/2(1 + |y|) at infinity. In the proof we use null controllability results for the associate linear system and global Carleman estimates with explicit bounds or combinations of several of these estimates. In order to treat the terms
appearing on the interface, we have to construct specific weight functions depending on geometry.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaFondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Chile