
Numerical modeling for the rebar bond behaviour in normal and high strength concrete


Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.This paper presents a finite element model for the analysis of the bond behavior between steel rebars and concrete. This behavior is defined by the bond vs. slip curve in European standards (e.g. the CEB- 90) for normal strength concrete (NSC). Pull-out tests have been performed on both NSC and high strength concrete (HSC) specimens and the resulting curves are compared to numerical models implemented in a FEM software. In these models the contact behavior has been defined according to the Model Code CEB-2010 and a position controlled loading has been performed in order to trace the load-slip curve for comparison with experiments. The FEM model has been calibrated with basic mechanical parameters from both types of concrete (compressive and tensile stress, elastic moduli). The numerical modelling has proven suitable for the NSC bond behaviour. However, the CEB standard should be improved to account for the HSC bond behaviour

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