
A PBL Experience in an Electronic Engineering Introductory Course


The adaptation of the traditional Engineering degrees to the European Higher Education Area creates many challenges in the implementation of recent educational paradigms. This is the case of the Engineering Degree in Industrial Technologies at the University of Seville, Spain, which has been teaching since 1964, and has been adapted to be started in the 2010/2011 academic year. This new degree includes a second year one-semester introductory course in electronic engineering, which has been taught for the first time in the 2011/2012 academic year with 400 enrolled students. Most of these students will not continue studying electronic technology, and an important effort has been done to improve the student’s progress, attitude and perception of the course. This paper presents the new course teaching approach, where an up-bottom methodology has been designed and a PBL teaching/learning experience has been included. The obtained results and students’ feedback are also detailed

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