
One laptop per child: Vision vs. reality


Nicholas Negroponte presents the idea of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), a 100PCthatcantransformeducationfortheworldâ€Čsdisadvantagedschoolchildren.ThenonprofitOLPCprojectinvolves100 PC that can transform education for the world's disadvantaged school children. The nonprofit OLPC project involves 20 million in startup investment, sponsorships and partnerships with major IT industry players, and interest from developing countries. Some developing countries are deploying OLPC laptops, while some have cancelled the deployments on the results of pilot projects. The OLPC organization ( is also struggling with key staff defections, budget cuts, and ideological disillusionment. OLPC is also motivating the PC industry to develop lower-cost, education-oriented PCs, and providing developing countries with low-cost computing options along with its own innovation. OLPC also has developed a novel technology, the XO laptop, with a focus on the needs of students in poor rural areas

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