
Behavioral Observations: Foraging and Aggression of Neotropical Migrants and Resident Birds in Panama


Lyons suggests that foraging data in songbirds can be an indicator of food abundance, with higher attack rate= higher habitat quality; higher foraging speed= lower habitat quality (2005). Territorial behavior such as interspecific aggression among songbirds may also be related to food availability. Previous studies have documented variation in the extent of territorial and aggressive behaviors among resident and Neotropical migratory species on tropical wintering grounds. This research gathered foraging and aggression data at two coastal angroves sites in central Panama, one on the Caribbean Coast (Galeta) and one on the Pacific Coast (Juan Diaz-East). Foraging data was used an indicator of habitat quality and food availability. Aggression trials were run to compare territorial behaviors among resident Mangrove Warblers (YWAR) and two Neotropical migrant species, the Prothonotary Warbler (PROW), and the Northern Waterthrush (NOWA)

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