
A Study of the 1988 NAEA and Its Accessibility to Delegates Experiencing Disabilities


People experiencing disabilities are no longer content to be treated as victims, objects of pity, and passive recipients of charitable impulses. They are aggressively and actively brining discriminatory policies and environments to the public鈥檚 attention. This activity is based on newer definitions of disability that do not associate disabilities with individuals, but with policies and environments that fail individuals. This article documents a study of the 1988 National Art Education Association Convention for its accessibility to delegates experiencing auditory, visual, speech, and physical disabilities. The convention and aspects of the convention program are analyzed through the use of guidelines from the Eugene Commission on the Rights of People with Disabilities, The National Endowment for the Arts and The Research and Training Center on Independent Living. Areas of accessibility and inaccessibility are evidenced. Recommendations are given for future convention coordinators, the National Art Education Association Board of Directors and the general membership

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