
Bayes Multiple Binary Classifier - How to Make Decisions Like a Bayesian


This presentation will start by a general introduction of Bayesian statistics, which has become popular in the era of big data. Then we consider a two-class classification problem, where the goal is to predict the class membership of M units based on the values of high-dimensional categorical predictor variables as well as both the values of predictor variables and the class membership of other N independent units. We focus on applying generalized linear regression models with Boolean expressions of categorical predictors. We consider a Bayesian and decision-theoretic framework, and develop a general form of Bayes multiple binary classification functions with respect to a class of cost-weighted loss functions. In particular, the loss function pairs such as the proportions of false positives and false negatives, and (1-sensitivity) and (1-specificity), are considered. The results will be illustrated via simulations and on a Lupus diagnosis dataset

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