
Evaluation of three diets based on a mixture fuzz of rice with broliler litter in young bull commercial zebu in the tropical lowlands of High Magdalena Valley, Colombia.


P?ginas 22-27El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta animal al consumo de tres dietas con base en la mezcla tamo de arroz-pollinaza. La investigaci?n se llev? a cabo en Agroindustriales del Tolima AGRINSA S.A. municipio del Espinal, (Tolima), Las variables analizadas fueron: ganancia de peso, consumo, digestibilidad, rentabilidad y desempe?o de las instalaciones. El experimento se desarroll? con 30 toretes Ceb? comercial, peso inicial promedio de 210 kg. Se evaluaron tres tratamientos (dietas) con diferente proporci?n de la mezcla tamo de arroz-pollinaza en la dieta: 57,7; 47,1 y 36,8%. Los dem?s ingredientes de la dieta fueron: semilla de algod?n, harina de arroz, cacota de algod?n, tortave, melaza, y una premezcla de vitaminas y minerales. El periodo de ensayo fue de 105 d?as, con manejo de los toretes en instalaciones m?viles desarmables. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en peso vivo (p<0,05) entre las dietas: 1012; 840 y 680 g/d?a para los tratamientos con 36,8; 47,1 y 57,7% de tamo-pollinaza en la dieta, respectivamente. El tratamiento con 36,8% de la mezcla present? el mejor consumo; sin embargo, la mejor conversi?n alimenticia se encontr? en el tratamiento con 47,1% de la mezcla (6,9) superando al tratamiento de 36,8% de la mezcla (7,0). La mejor digestibilidad fue encontrada en el tratamiento con 36,8% de la mezcla (63,4%); mientras que la mayor rentabilidad se obtuvo con la dieta con 36,8% de tamo-pollinaza (12,4%), seguido del tratamiento con 47,1% de la mezcla en la dieta y el tratamiento con 57,7% de tamo-pollinaza arroj? una rentabilidad negativa (-6,6%).ABSTRACT. The objective of this was to evaluate the animal response at three diets based on mixture of rice?s fuzz with broiler?s litter. This study was carried out in the facilities of Agroindustrial of the Tolima AGRINSA S.A. Espinal municpa-lity (Tolima). The analyzed variables were weight gain, digestibility, profitability and performance of installations, The experiment was carried out using 30 young bull commercial Zebu with a initial mean weight of 210 kg. Three treatments (Diets) with different proportion of the mixture rice?s fuzz ? brioler?s litter (bed of fatten chickens) were evaluated: 57,7; 47,1 and 36,8%. The other ingredients were cotton seed, rice?s flour, cotton dung, tortave (crop byproducts from the region), molasses, and a premixture of vitamins and minerals. The evaluation was developed during 105 days, managing the young bulls in mobile, folding and disable facilities. Statistical differences in live weight gained were found (p<0.05) between diets: 1012; 840 and 680 g/day for the treatments with 36.8; 47.1 and 57.7% of the mixture rice?s fuzz ? brioler?s litter in the diet, respectively. The treatment with the highest consumption was the diet with 36.8% of the mixture; however, the best nutritious conversion was found in the treatment with 47.1% of the mixture (6.9) being higher than treatment with 36.8% of diet (7.0). The highest digestibility was found in the treatmen t with 36.8% (3.4%); whereas, the highest profitability was found in the diet with 36.8% of rice?s fuzz ? brioler?s litter (12.4%), .followed by the treatment with 47.1% of the mixture in the diet and the treatment with 57.7% of rice?s fuzz ? brioler?s litter had a negative profitability ( -6.6%)

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