
Extending dynamic-programming-based plan generators: beyond pure enumeration


The query optimizer plays an important role in a database management system supporting a declarative query language, such as SQL. One of its central components is the plan generator, which is responsible for determining the optimal join order of a query. Plan generators based on dynamic programming have been known for several decades. However, some significant progress in this field has only been made recently. This includes the emergence of highly efficient enumeration algorithms and the ability to optimize a wide range of queries by supporting complex join predicates. This thesis builds upon the recent advancements by providing a framework for extending the aforementioned algorithms. To this end, a modular design is proposed that allows for the exchange of individual parts of the plan generator, thus enabling the implementor to add new features at will. This is demonstrated by taking the example of two previously unsolved problems, namely the correct and complete reordering of different types of join operators as well as the efficient reordering of join operators and grouping operators

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