
Payment by results and demand management: learning from the South Yorkshire laboratory


The need for effective demand management has become more transparent following the introduction of Payment by Results, Patient Choice and other reforms. This report details the findings of an empirical study exploring the South Yorkshire experience of demand management. By being ahead of the game in introducing PbR for all activity in all its acute trusts in the South Yorkshire area, the experience in South Yorkshire has the potential to inform the national roll-out of Payment by Results and Choose and Book. Specific objectives included: • assessing local perceptions of the nature and scale of changes in demand and whether this will be affected as other reforms, specifically Patient Choice, are implemented; • identifying what strategies are being developed locally to manage demand effectively; • documenting any benefits and drawbacks of different strategies for patients, PCTs, providers and the wider health economy; • identifying any facilitators and barriers to developing effective approaches for managing demand; • eliciting opinions on how current demand management strategies could be improved or adapted

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