
A Model of Quantum Economic Development


Quantum Economic Development (or the QED MODEL) is an entirely new field of theoretical economic conceptualisation into the evolutionary end point of the New Global Economy. A full description of the process of forming a kernel of fundamental 'quantum like' logic of the architecture and mechanics of these totally new quantum economies is included, as well as some of the more urgent and suggested effects on Humanity. The interdisciplinary boundaries of Free Market Economics and Quantum Physics have been dissolved through conceptual multi-dimensional and multi-scalar relationships and by constructing a model to explain how these systems could work for a global society of up to one hundred billion market participants. Light speed and internet based virtual economies (mostly corporate in nature) are on our combined global event horizon. This paper is prepared for global Academic, Business, Community and Development leaders to understand the basics of Quantum State Economies and their eventual march toward 'Economic Fusion' sometime in this first half of this century. These virtual economic environments spanning the global may allow us for the first time to meet the basic criteria of a free market economy and simultaneously the pre-engineering of the light speed evolution of ideas to their commercial manifestation. As we now learn from present economic malfunctions, phenomena that were once regarded as only concepts, are being created by the en masse interactions of market forces and energies that may begin to act according to ‘quantum like’ relationships. A vital paper for decision makers of all walks of life.qed, theorem, model, quantum, economic, development, new, gobal, economy, economies, light, speed, e-commerce, internet, mass, markets, interactive, trading, einstein, smith, wealth, nations, government, intervention,universal, currency, units, business, templates, forces, energies, fusion, fission, force, belonging, developing

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