
Оптимизация теплофикационной схемы Дарницкой ТЭЦ и выбор нового турбинного оборудования для расширения электростанции


Kharkov Central Design Office «Energoprogress» has developed and recommended to the application the optimization of the HPP extraction scheme, which contains the replacement of the existing piping for the delivery water with new ones for the greater water pass. In the framework of HPP reconstruction modifications of existing main equipment modernization and possible modifications of new power equipment installation were considered. At the first stage of HPP reconstruction technical re-equipment of the turbine ПТ-60-90 (PT-60-90) st. № 7 and also economy-type works by the HPP extraction scheme are provided. At the second stage the turboset P-25-1,45 (R-25-1.45) is installed. The terminal steam of the turboset is used for the providing with heat

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