The Half-sample Method for Testing Parametric Regressive and Autoregressive Models of Order 1


The half-sample method has been introduced by Stephens (1978) for testing parametric models of distribution functions. In this paper, we present a similar method for testing the goodness-of-fit of linear or nonlinear regression or autoregression functions for parametric models of order 11, under minimal stationarity and ergodicity assumptions. Our procedure is based on a measure of the cumulated deviation process A^n\hat{A}_{n} between a weighted marked process of residuals and a parametric estimator of the cumulated conditional mean function (i.e.\ cumulated regression or autoregression function), under the null hypothesis H0H_{0}. We establish a functional limit theorem under H0H_{0} for a variant A^n(κ)\hat{A}^{(\kappa)}_{n}, 0<κ10 < \kappa \le 1, of the process A^n\hat{A}_{n}. The half-sample method corresponds to κ=1/2\kappa = 1/2. We show that the limiting distribution of A^n(1/2)\hat{A}^{(1/2)}_{n} under H0H_{0} takes a very simple form. Several easily implemented goodness-of-fit tests can be based on this result. We provide simple conditions under which their power converges to 1 as the sample size goes to \infty. Finally, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of A^n(κ)\hat{A}^{(\kappa)}_{n} as nn \to \infty under sequences of O(n1/2)O(n^{-1/2}) local alternatives. This allows us to compare the corresponding local powers of tests based on A^n(1/2)\hat{A}^{(1/2)}_{n} and on A^(1)n\hat{A}^(1)_{n}

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