A Steering Environment for Online Parallel Visualization of Legacy Parallel Simulations


International audienceIn the context of scientific computing, the computational steering consists in the coupling of numerical simulations with 3D visualization systems through the network. This allows scientists to monitor online the intermediate results of their computations in a more interactive way than the batch mode, and allows them to modify the simulation parameters on-the-fly. While most of existing computational steering environments support parallel simulations, they are often limited to sequential visualization systems. This may lead to an important bottleneck and increased rendering time. To achieve the required performance for online visualization, we have designed the EPSN framework, a computational steering environment that enables to interconnect legacy parallel simulations with parallel visualization systems. For this, we have introduced a redistribution algorithm for unstructured data, that is well adapted to the context of M × N computational steering. Then, we focus on the design of our parallel viewer and present some experimental results obtained with a particle-based simulation in astrophysics

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