Toward an innovative strategy for the deployment of a regional ePortfolio


ISBN 978-2-9540144-0-1International audienceThe aim of this paper is to present an innovative approach to study, to analyze and to support the uses of the regional Council of Lorraine ePortfolio called LorFolio. Our approach is based on a partnership including two laboratories one dedicated to Computer sciences (LORIA) and one dedicated to Educational sciences (LISEC), the pedagogical engineering department of the University of Lorraine (NUTICE), the department for student employability of the University of Lorraine and the Regional Council of Lorraine. Our approach is based on a two complementary axis. Based on previous works which have shown the need to study the real uses of all the target users (students, professionals, integration agencies, ...), the first axis is devoted to the pedagogical aspects and it will focus on : - the analysis of the learning process of the students (formal, informal and non formal learning, social activities, ...), - the description of the products i.e. how do students exploit the ePortfolio in their professional insertion strategy - the link with the strategy of the Regional Council of Lorraine. The second axis is devoted to the computer sciences approach which will provide a detailed analysis of the students uses to be able to elaborate a model of the uses. This model gives the possibility to adapt the functionalities and to elaborate strategies for the recommendation of the appropriate pedagogical resources or services to the students

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