On topological derivative for contact problem in elasticity


In the paper the general method for shape-topology sensitivity analysis of contact problems is proposed. The method uses the domain decomposition method combined with the specific properties of minimizers for the energy functional. The method is applied to the static problem of an elastic body in frictionless contact with an rigid foundation. The contact model allows a finite interpenetration of the bodies on the contact region. This interpenetration is modeled by means of a scalar function that depends on the normal component of the displacement field on the potential contact zone. We present the asymptotic behavior of the energy shape functional when a spheroidal void is introduced in an arbitrary point of the elastic body. For the asymptotic analysis, we use the domain decomposition technique and the associated Steklov-Poincaré pseudodifferential operator. The differentiability of the energy with respect to the non-smooth perturbation is established. A closed form for the topological derivative is also presented

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