Delinkuensi juvana merupakan tingkahlaku yang menyalahi undang-undang
yang dilakukan oleh individu-individu yang berumuh di bawah umur 18 tahun.
Dalam latar tempatan, kajian yang menekankan faktor-faktor psikososial dan
kriminogenik delinkuensi juvana adalah wajar berikutan analisis tren jenayah juvana
bagi tempoh sepuluh tahun di Malaysia, populasi, penanda sosial dan permulaan
penglibatan dalam jenayah, serta kepelbagaian jenayah juvana. Berikutan ini, kajian
ini secara amnya bertujuan untuk membina profil psikososial dan kirminogenik
juvana delinkuen lelaki Malaysia.
Juvenile delinquency is illegitimate behaviours that are against the law
committed by individuals under the age of 18 years old. In the local setting, research
addressing the psychosocial and criminogenic factors of juvenile delinquents is
warranted following a ten-year trend analysis of juvenile crimes in Malaysia,
population, social marker and onset of criminal involvement, as well as versatility of
juvenile crimes. Related to these, this research aimed to construct psychosocial and
criminogenic profiles of Malaysian male juvenile delinquents. In order to achieve
this, four specific objectives were formulated