
Understanding Platelet Thrombogenicity Cascade Of The Biodegradable Chitosan Derivatives In Von Willebrand Disease In Vitro


Biobahan kitosan diperolehi daripada cengkerang hidupan laut mempunyai potensi yang besar bagi kegunaan klinikal kerana ia dapat bertindak balas dengan sel-sel platelet secara bebas untuk membantu proses pembekuan darah. Penyelidikan ini mengesahkan keupayaan biobahan kitosan untuk merangsangkan mekanisma platelet dari penderma darah normal dan pesakit von Willebrand disease (vWD) in vitro. Chitosan has become one of the most promising local hemostatic agents because it is of particular interest as it functions independently on platelets and normal clotting mechanisms. The present study was designed with the aim to test the ability of the mechanisms of blood platelets towards the action of biodegradable chitosan in normal donors and von Willebrand disease (vWD) patients in vitro

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