Using Social Network Information into ICN


It was presented at NOMEN 2013 as a poster. NOMEN 2013 was a workshop held in IEEE INFOCOM 2013Online Social Networks carry extremely valuable information about their users and their relationships. We argue that this knowledge can help to drastically improve the efficiency of Information Centric Networks. In this paper, we propose a first step to include social infor- mation into ICN architectures. We conjecture a small number of users dominate the activity and receive most attention of others users in the social networks and we argue they produce content that will be more likely to be consumed, and in consequence their content must be replicated. We then propose a caching strategy based on prioritizing their content. We simulate a social network model where the proposed caching strategy is evaluated against common ICN caching strategies. Finally, we show that inclusion of social information into ICN networks may help to improve cache performances

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