
The Effects Of Different Elicitors Supplemented In Cell Suspension Culture Of Eurycoma Longifolia Jack. On Cytotoxic Activities Against Human Colon Cancer Cell Line


Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menyiasat kesan elisitor biotik dan abiotik untuk meningkatkan aktiviti sitotoksik sel-sel E. longifolia Jack. terhadap titisan sel kanser kolon manusia. Kalus rapuh digunakan untuk memulakan kultur sel ampaian E. longifolia Jack. dalam medium cecair MS yang ditambahkan dengan 0.5 mg/L NAA dan 0.25 mg/L 2,4-D. Corak pertumbuhan sel didapati mengikut suatu lengkuangan sigmoid tipikal. Pelbagai fasa pertumbuhan sel, fasa lag, log dan pegun, dengan jangka masa tertentu telah dikenalpastikan berdasar kepada indeks pertumbuhan sel dan berat sel kering. Di samping itu, tiga hari inokulasi elisitor yang berbeza and hari penuaian telah ditentukan berdasarkan corak pertumbuhan sel. Hari inokulasi: Hari 0 (permulaan pengkultran), Hari 13 (pertangahan fasa log) dan Hari 17 (pengakhiran fasa log); Hari penuaian: Hari 18 (permulan fasa pegun) telah ditentukan. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of biotic and abiotic elicitors in enhancing the cytotoxic activities of E. longfolia Jack. cell extract against human colon cancer cell line. Friable callus was used to initiate cell suspension culture of E. longifolia Jack. in modified MS liquid medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L NAA and 0.25 mg/L 2,4-D. The cell growth pattern was found to follow a typical sigmoid curve. Various growth phases, the lag, log and stationary phases, with their specific durations were identified based on the cell growth index and dried cell mass. In addition, three different inoculation days of elicitor and harvesting day were determined based on its cell growth pattern. Inoculation day: Day 0 (beginning of culture), Day 13 (middle of log phase) and Day 17 (end of log phase); harvesting day: Day 18 (beginning of stationary shape) were then determined

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