Graphical Temporal Structured Programming for Interactive Music


International audienceThe development and authoring of interactive music or applications , such as user interfaces for arts & exhibitions has traditionally been done with tools that pertain to two broad metaphors. Cue-based environments work by making groups of parameters and sending them to remote devices , while more interactive applications are generally written in generic art-oriented programming environments, such as Max/MSP, Processing or openFrameworks. In this paper, we present the current version of the i-score se-quencer. It is an extensive graphical software that bridges the gap between time-based, logic-based and flow-based interactive application authoring tools. Built upon a few simple and novel primitives that give to the composer the expressive power of structured programming, i-score provides a time line adapted to the notation of parameter-oriented interactive music, and allows temporal scripting using JavaScript. We present the usage of these primitives, as well as an i-score example of work inspired from music based on polyvalent structure

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