
Patnubay at Gabay…... Alay Ko = My guidance & assistance, I offer you


Guidance touches every aspect of an individual\u27s personality, his physical, mental, emotional and social aspects. It seeks to help the individual to integrate all his activities using his potentials and environmental opportunities. But individual\u27s personality cannot be developed in a day or in one night. If we want to improve personality specially that of a child, a program of personality de velopment must be crafted and implemented. Therefore, this project has been conceptualized which is anchored on the mission of the university to engage in a social service to the community. The project is an extension service of the college to the children housed at Felicisimo-Aurora Bahay Kalinga, Inc. located in Baras, Rizal. Its main focus is to provide guidance services for the emotional, social, moral and psychological stability of the children. The need of giving attention to the whole individual, his development and adjustments must be prioritized. Such activity assi st the children to become productive, responsive, morally and socially responsible individuals for the upliftment and a quality life towards self-reliance and productivity, thus, become successful individuals. The children in the institution come from broken families, street children, deserted/abandoned/neglected by their parents, orphans, stow-away children, child of separated parents, and children who are brought by their relatives who cannot afford to support their material and non-material needs. These children need love, affection and sense of security for their psychological stability. It is the hope of this project tha t through this engagement to the undeserved and underprivileged children in the community, the proponent could touch the lives of e very child A LOVE JOURNEY towards personality adjustments and development. The project emphasizes the promotion of efficient and happy lives and sustains through the conduct of different activities s uch as Getting to Know Each Other , Talent and Skill Development (Singing, Dancing, Art, etc), Counseling Sessions, Values Reorientation Lessons and Socialization Activities. This is done with the assistance of the faculty and student facilitators, whose academi c knowledge is being put into practice through social service. The activities of the project are evaluated to assess its impact to the children. It also served as the basis for the improv ement of the activities conducted

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